Genetically modified foods, better known as GMO's, are the cause of many modern health issues. Soy and corn are the main two, and most commonly found genetically modified foods. Since 1996 soy and corn have had genes of bacteria and viruses forced into their DNA, even though it was never FDA approved. FDA scientists constantly warned people about the possible allergens and health risks these foods imposed however, the FDA did not listen to its scientists. The FDA did not require a single safety test and soon many other foods were being genetically modified. Companies which have been proven to hide toxins in their products are now telling us that it is safe to eat their genetically modified foods. The major GMO foods on the market now are corn, soy, cotton, canola, sugar beats, and alfalfa. Most GMO foods either have viruses or bacteria inserted into them that allows them to survive under harsh chemicals such as pesticides. This means that most foods will have a high concentration of pesticide residue left on them when they are processed into other goods. Another common change in GMO foods is that they insert a gene from soil bacteria called Bt, (Bacilius thuringiensis), which acts as a built in pesticide. 

This article helped me because one of the main causes of Celiac disease is GMO foods, and how they are much more common in the 21st century. I originally did not know what GMO foods were made by, and how much of a risk that they can impose on our lives. It shocked to me to discover that most GMO foods have pesticides injected in them to make sure they have a better chance of surviving. This article has made me interesting in looking for more articles about how GMO's may have been the cause of the recent outbreak of the celiac disease. 

"Genetically Modified Foods Could Pose Numerous Health Risks." Genetic Engineering (2013): n. pag. Gale Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 17 Oct. 2013.


Ms. D
10/22/2013 06:06:48 am

This is going to be one those topics where I learn a lot from you that scares me. Sounds like an interesting topic - now to work on the question.


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