The Luddite Argument

New ideas and inventions are being born into the world much faster now then they use to be. The topic of protection and safety is often being brought up as we always question how safe we feel. The level of security in places such as airports and government buildings has grown ever since the most fatal terrorist attack 9/11. Security companies bombarded government officials with new high tech ways of keeping the country safe. The difference between the old security systems and the new is that they are now using biometric data. Our physical characteristics are what separate us from the rest of the world. Unlike a security code which can be rewritten, our physical traits cannot be changed. I do not want the government to hold onto the one thing that is mine, my identity. Security breaches are so common in the modern world, and if someone were to steal my finger prints or vocal range I would no longer exist. Even though the government is trying to protect us, there must be a barrier that they cannot cross. It is our right to freedom and I believe that keeping our genetic data to ourselves is something worth fighting for. If the government were to mess up and lose human identities there would be an outbre
Ms. D
10/16/2013 04:30:59 am

Isn't it scary? I wonder when the point will come when we have to go to extremes to protect our identity.


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